The object of the game is to score as many points as possible. So float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, and let's see if you can beat me!! GAME ON!!!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

STANDINGS Well done everyone! 5 weeks down and only 1 to go. Finish Strong : ) With one week left here's where we stand:

Sunday, January 27, 2013

GAME ON 2013!!!

Below you will find links to each persons score sheet. To keep your own score, access your personal sheet, sign in to your GMAIL account, and edit your scores. To see someone else's progress, click on their link, sign in to your GMAIL account, and view the scores (for you mischievous ones - sorry you won't be able to edit other peoples scores! Just see them.).



Diet: No sugary treats, no soda, no "crystal light energy pouches", no chips, 3 servings veggies per day. Fitness goal: 1 minute off of my workout routine per week (3 reps of 0.5 mile run, 25 burpees, 20 v-rocks). Transformation: 30 minutes math study per day. Habit: Web browsing < 1 hr. per day total.

Diet: 1,600 healthy calories per day or less. Fitness: 1 minute off 5k run per week starting @ 30 minutes. Transformation: 30 minutes Thesis work per day. Habit: Only 1 Hulu show per day.

Diet: 3 healthy meals per day w/ healthy snacks. Transformation: Scriptures Daily w/ note taking. Habit: Stay active from 5:30pm - 7:30pm each day with tasks, cleaning, laundry, etc.

Diet: Portion control and no second helpings. Transformation: 30 min. spiritual activity daily. Habit: 1 hour less internet activity/day.

Diet: Shred diet. Transformation: Make bed daily. Habit: 5 positive comments to Kenny daily.

Diet: Shred diet. Transformation: Scripture study daily. Habit: No Soda

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Week One Scores

Well, one week down...3 more to go.  Some of us had a great week and some of us struggled a little, but the game has just begun.  So for those of you wondering just how much your hard work has paid off, here are the scores for week 1.

1st place this week: Michelle (782), Monique(787), and Angie(766) with a team score of 771.66
2nd place : Cheri (665), Kim (766) and Brigette (766) with a team score of 732.33
and coming in 3rd: Lauren (791), Annalee (766), and Virginia (625) with a team score of 727.33

Now let the games really begin.  Think up a challenge, and let Michelle or I know what you want to do.  We'll get the word out and we'll have some fun.  What a difference a free pass for one team member could have made in this weeks scores.  Don't forget to give each other a hard time, it's all part of the experience and in good fun.  Good luck this week ladies!!!  GAME ON!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Getting Back on Track!!

Well, now that the summer is over and we have all learned that this is a lot harder on our own.  
We are finally ready to get back to business and get back on track.  So starting tomorrow ladies it is once again GAME ON!!  We have planned a few new twists and turns to help keep things exciting and help keep us all on our toes and in a tight competition!!   For instance if you miss your weight goal for one week, for $10.00 you can buy the opportunity to earn the points lost by losing the weight you missed your bonus by in addition to the bonus weight fhe following week.  For example if you missed your bonus points by 1/2 lb.  and you had to lose 2 lbs.  the following week you could for $10 earn you bonus by losing 2 and 1/2 lbs.  Also you can earn 5 pts. bonus each day you exercise for 1 hr. straight.  As we go along we can also challenge other  teams to challenges.  Prizes for winning these challenges may include such things as an extra day of immunity, or 1/2 lb. advantage.  We may throw in a few Individual challenges as well, so get your thinking caps on and lets come up with some fun challenges.... like challenging the other teams to not eat any sugar for 24 hours, or challenging them to see which team has the most exercise time in a week.  Let's try to come up with some others that challenge us, and are fun at the same time.

Here are the teams:

Annalee, Lauren, and Virginia

Michelle, Monique, and Angie

Cheri, Kim, and Bridgette

All the old rules still apply except, we are taking out the new goal, and replacing it with the above mentioned activities.  So on your score sheets just cross out this section and we will adjust scores accordingly.  Good luck to all and let us know your ideas for challenges.  Let's have some fun!!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Week 3 Scores

Well the scores are in for the third week, and everyone on both teams received perfect scores.  So the overall standings are Team Lauren a perfect Goody two shoes  score of 850, and Team Annalee close behind with 848.125.  It's still anyones game.  Play hard or go home!!  Game On!!  I like being a black sheep, and coming from behind makes victory all the sweeter!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rd. 2 Week 1 Scores

Well round two, and we have just put our 1st week behind us. The race is a very heated one.  The newcomer, Tyler held his own, but experience won least for this round.  Lauren's team turned in a perfect score of 850 this week, but Annalee's team came in a close second with a score of 845.5.  (That's OK we have come from behind before so just keep lookin over your shoulder, we're breathin down your neck.)  Good luck to everyone, we are just getting warmed up!!  Game On!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Next Round!

Today marked the first day of the next 5 week game.  The teams are as follows:

Annalee, Tyler, Monique
Lauren, Michelle, Cheri

Kim and Angie (Kim will have her choice of which team she wants to join, since Shiranna Dropped out, and Angie will go to the other team.)

Best of Luck to you all, remember to talk some trash, dish some dish, work your butt off, play hard and have fun.